Passion and Purpose

Passion and Purpose

Passion is a strong and barely controllable emotion. That’s not my opinion. That is the definition. I’m sure you’ve stated or heard another person state they have a passion for this or that. People say you should follow your passion. While passion is normally a good thing to have it is by nature sporadic and can defy logic. Sporadic because it can be strong enough to feel as if nothing else is needed to keep you going but also can be seemingly non-existent at times. Its strength can also cause you to defy logic because the emotion takes you in many different directions. Enabling incorrect decisions. This is because you have no direction. Passion needs a partner. Passion is your dreams/goals in a volatile state. It needs a stabilizer.

It needs a purpose. Purpose is the reason for which something is done/created or for which something exists. Again, this the definition. Purpose is the ultimate stabilizer. It’s like putting a saddle and tack on a wild horse. It’s the calm yin to the craziness of passion’s yang. After the strong speech about how passion was in such a need of a partner, it may be hard not to look at purpose as the savior. This great equalizer but purpose is in just as much need without passion. Purpose alone is logic in a dormant state. You can know what needs to be done and not do it. You can see a void with the vision to fill it but lack the engine to do it. This is the dangerous side of purpose. Purpose can seem as if it’s all-knowing, all-seeing, all-powerful. This is why the people that possess purpose tend to look down on people with passion that lack it. They can talk a good game and be pretty convincing but if any progress or proof of completion is asked for the talk stops. This is when purpose or people with it show their true identity and reveal that a very important part of the puzzle is missing in action.

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The magic happens when passion and purpose work hand in hand. You have your emotion and your reason. The energy and desire to do something accompanied by the answers and directions to complete it. No, this doesn’t mean you have immediate answers to roadblocks you will certainly face. Having purpose to go along with passion means you have your “why” when passion isn’t driving you as hard as it usually does. It allows passion to be its intermittent self while you keep your eyes on the prize and push or crawl on until passion pops back up and floors the gas pedal for you. This benefit continues because in addition to pushing on, your “why” gives direction so when passion hits and you go flying, you are flying in a logical and advantageous direction. This dance will go on for as long as you live and give you a huge advantage over people with one or the other. They’ll either be making no progress at all or going about their dream the wrong way, left wherever passion dropped them off this time. Don’t be them.

In closing, the world is filled with passionate people with no direction and people with direction with no desire or better yet passion to walk it. They fight with themselves thinking that something is wrong with them. Nothing is wrong. Something is missing. There is a difference. People with passion posses a power that may seem unreal at times making them feel that nothing can stop them from doing what they love. Your power is awesome, if only you had something to tame and direct it. People with purpose possess the vision and logic to accomplish their dream seeing the destination before taking a step. Your vision is amazing, if only you had something to get you started and show you what happens when that vision begins to be realized. People with both rule the world. So, I ask you what is your passion and purpose? If you don’t have one or the other at least you know what is missing. Finish the following sentence and start ruling the world. I am passionate about ________ and my purpose for doing it is ___________. If the completed sentence sounds weak to you, so are your chances of convincing the world it should be so. I am passionate about music and my purpose for doing it is fame and fortune. Uh…that’s not going to cut it. I am passionate about music and my purpose for doing it is because it’s an avenue to immortality and will ensure I help leave an enriched legacy for those who will soon follow. Yeah, that sounds like something.

Food for thought… You do the dishes.
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