Respect Others’ Craft

Respect Others’ Craft

You may be aware of it when others do it. You see or hear it and may shrug it off unless it pertains to your craft. You may unwittingly do it yourself when seeing someone else in practice of their craft. “I can do that.” Oh, can you? How long have you done it? A couple of weeks? A couple of months? Never? Sounds like you are mistaken. Respect others’ craft. Aspiring to do what others are doing is one thing, to believe you can put down what you are doing and simply pick up what they are doing is not only foolish but disrespectful. It undermines their talent. It undermines the hours upon hours they’ve put in to hone that craft. It overstates your ability while setting you up for unneeded, avoidable embarrassment. This is not a piece to be hard on those who may be guilty. The goal is 2 things. This is to explain that along with some natural-born ability/talent you can be amongst the best at anything you put your time and effort into. Read that sentence with both sides in mind.

Everyone is born with a natural ability to do something. Not all of us find it. Not all of us look for it. For the few who seek and find their natural ability, even fewer hone that ability. The good that comes from this is a lifetime of knowing no matter what life throws at you, there is something great you can always show yourself and others that outshines even the darkest clouds. It can feed you, clothe you, and shelter you. It can take you to places you couldn’t imagine. A gift that is deserved for finding it and making it even more beautiful than it already was. Although this shouldn’t be a concern to those practicing and excelling at a craft, sharing your gift with the world exposes you to the people who will see your glow, skip admiration, and immediately feel they too can emit such a great glow. Where does such arrogance come from? How can one see an amazing ability of another and not believe it took a lot of work to get there. It’s only confusing if you are thinking like a hard worker. A doer. You know of the effort and consistency it takes to accomplish things. You are unfortunately in the minority but congratulations.

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For those in the majority, it is important to understand the error in what you are doing. Not only do you diminish the craft of others, but you also sabotage your ability to achieve such levels. You believe you are already equipped to do anything you see someone else do. Speaking into existence is something that should not be uttered without effort preceding and following it. It’s an affirmation. It is not an action. Great things take work. You must put forth an effort. You must think. You must experience questioning yourself. This is not to be confused with low self-esteem. This is humility. This is understanding it is not realistic to believe you can be great at anything immediately. Without this, you are sure to experience a rude awakening. It will hurt but will instantly give you the level of respect for whatever craft you are attempting to enter. If the bruised ego which stops the majority in thier tracks, isn’t enough to deter you, you are ready to begin. Correctly.

In closing, respect others’ craft. That glow was earned. You may be able to create a great glow also with effort and respect. That glow you see is someone else’s. You must do what you need to do to earn your own. You can always ignore this and learn the hard way. The good thing about this lesson is either way you are going to get it. Whether it’s in an easy read or an out of nowhere punch in the face.

Food for thought…You do the dishes.

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