Take A Vacation

Take A Vacation

This piece is for the hard workers. I know everyone wants to consider themself a hard worker but, that is not the case. This piece is for the people who are constantly working. The people who consistently strive towards something. Those of us who spend nights thinking up the next move and the move after that. I’m speaking to the people whose circle always tells them to take some time off or, they should be taking a break or ask when is the last time you just relaxed? I’m telling you now. You should take a vacation.

The root word of vacation is vacate. Somewhere in the past, we translated vacation into meaning traveling taking pictures and, eating a lot. No, vacation is taking a break from your everyday life. For hard workers, day-to-day life is squeezing 48 hours into your 24. To vacate that life could be one of the hardest things you do. You’ve changed your lifestyle so much that vacation seems like a negative to you. It may seem like you’re letting yourself off the hook or quitting potentially on what your goal is. This thought is an inaccurate and a dangerous thought process that many entrepreneurs have adopted.

What do we do? How do we find time to vacate our day-to-day lives? Why would we want to do this? We think vacation and think of spending money sitting around doing nothing and losing out on the opportunity to get that much closer to our goals. Not everyone operates like this. Again, I’m talking about a different breed here. The entrepreneur see’s vacationing as a loss of money, a loss of production, and a loss of possibilities. The only way we can ever change our thought process in this is by positively utilizing vacation. How can we be okay with everything just stated? We won’t be.

So, to make up for that lost time? We simply need to do double the work the week before. This action buys us a week with no lost production. As soon as we believe we are going on a vacation, we need to figure out how our money is going to make more money to fund this vacation. This move alleviates the problem of the loss of money. Now the only thing we’re losing is opportunity. The loss of possibilities. The sell here is the reboot our brain is going to get by simply relaxing for a week. We come back relaxed, refreshed, and stronger. This reset puts us in a position to regain our lost opportunities and enables the creation of new possibilities.

All of these actions would allow us to enjoy vacation to the fullest. We will now be there one hundred percent. We know all work for the week is done. We know the trip is paid in full. We know our refreshed minds will give us something amazing by giving it a break. We can show ourselves more attention than we have in the past year or two or more. We can allow ourselves to look back and maybe even admire ourselves for what we have accomplished. We can finally sit down and smell the roses that we’ve had to ignore because all we worried about was them continuing to grow. We can give attention to those who might not have gotten all the attention they deserved because we were too busy chasing our dreams. This time is theirs as much as yours. Sit back, relax, play catch-up with those people you’ve been planning to call. Sit back, relax, and have a few laughs. Sit outside and do nothing. Watch a new movie. Watch an old movie you love, knowing a good time is guaranteed. Eat something new. Eat something you love. Explore what’s been going on in the world since you had your head down. Allow yourself to relax.

In closing, everyone needs a vacation. Everyone needs to make time to vacate their day-to-day lives. For those who can’t simply stop everything they’re doing and go, this piece has given you some ideas on how to talk yourself into being okay with taking a break. Time is something you cannot get back. Our time on this Earth is limited. We have no idea how much time is on that clock. We work towards our dreams and our plans every day. Other things in life are just as important. These other things include the well-being of yourself and your loved ones. Take a vacation for the sake of you and your dreams. It is well worth the pause.

Food for thought… You do the dishes!!!