Winners Focus On Winning

Winners Focus On Winning

Winners focus on winning. We get caught up in other people’s goals. We want to know what other people are doing. We don’t understand that winners only focus on winning. Some of us are concerned with people in different industries. We’re worried about the wrong things. Why would a person who desires to buy real estate study a person who desires to blow up on YouTube? Why would a person who aspires to become a fashion model be worried about a person whose focus is to become an Instagram model?

There are no opponents in those examples. They’re only distractions. In the case of an opponent or competitor, the focus should still be on being the best you can be. Winners focus on winning, losers focus on winners. It may be hard to understand at this time. By the end of this piece, it’ll be clear. Have you ever caught yourself wondering why someone was doing something then realized it had nothing to do with you? Have you caught yourself criticizing the efforts of another, although the success or failure of that person wouldn’t affect you?

When you choose a goal, focusing on accomplishing that goal should be the end-all and be-all. The lower the number of distractions, the higher the chance of success. When you are a winner and focused on winning you don’t have time to sulk over your defeats. You won’t have time to over-question your mistakes. Your only focus will be to regroup and try again. Where in that stance does an attempt to mimic, question, or judge anyone else’s goals or methods fit into obtaining your goal? It doesn’t.

Yet, we find ourselves attempting to mimic people outside of our desired fields. If they are in our desired fields and we mimic them, we ignore the fact that their methods are not our methods, their styles are not our style, and their why is not ours. We miss this. We then wonder why we are not successful or why we’ve come up short in our efforts. We came up short because we weren’t focused on winning, we were focused on winners. We need to focus on being ourselves. We need to focus on winning our race.

Let’s get back to the losers focusing on winners. Why are they losers? Understanding the last paragraph, we will see that they set themselves up to only be losers. They put themselves in a position where they need to be someone else to succeed. They need to know what the others know to repeat that success. 100% of the time, we don’t know what the others did to get there. We only know what was shared. We only know what was seen. The issue here is in a journey 80 to 90% of the struggle was not seen by anybody except the person on the journey. How can the person focusing on them not lose? They only know 10% to 20% of the answers.

There is a negative connotation with the word loser. In this case, “loser” is just the opposite of winning. There’s no negative connotation. It’s just we can’t win so, that leaves us with a loss. A person who loses is the loser. Losing is not a life sentence it’s just a result of one of our efforts. Losing can and should be changed. There’s nothing wrong with seeking assistance, guidance, or motivation from these winners. The mistake occurs when we attempt to replicate exactly what that person’s success was/is. It’s an impossible feat. We’re setting ourselves up for a loss.

In closing, winners focus on winning. In other words, people who are successful focus on the goal. They do not focus on the results of others or the journey of others. There’s an old photo of Michael Phelps swimming on his way to another gold medal. You can see the determination on Phelps’ face and his focus on that wall that he was swimming towards. In that same picture, there’s a guy in second place who has just as much focus on his face but his focus is on Phelps. He never caught him. Winners focus on winning. Losers focus on winners.

Food for thought… You do the dishes.