Level of Content

Level of Content

Level of content is why our surroundings, financial state, relationships, and self-esteem are what they are. Content means to be in a state of peaceful happiness. One may ask how a person can be content with a less-than-desirable reality. That is where both the level and the definition come into play. The strength of content varies. The meaning also states the words “peaceful happiness.” As adults, we do a lot of things in exchange for peace. Moving and striving for better disturbs our peace. Getting or qualifying for a better-paying job alters harmony. Leaving a relationship removes the level of comfort and familiarity we have, even if in a bad one. Accomplishing or even attempting new goals that can boost self-esteem comes with the risk of failure, which conflicts with peace. Whatever our level of content, we need to point to it as the reason our life is what it is.

We usually wonder why things are not as good in life as we desire, but we never look at our level of content. We never examine the possibility of the reason being ourselves. We are peacefully happy. Once our amount of peaceful happiness trumps our desire to be, do, or have better, the desire loses the chance of fruition. This scenario is how a person can be content with a less-than-desirable reality. With this information, we should always keep an eye on our level of content. If it gets too high, it can be a death sentence to what we believe are our aspirations. We’ll silently become our worst enemy. Adding insult to injury, we’ll spend years looking for the culprit while staring at it in the mirror every morning.

The secret is never allowing your level of content to surpass your desire for better. This task can be tricky because peaceful happiness sounds amazing. We must remind ourselves that ultimate happiness is what we want. Our utmost satisfaction will require us to go through discomfort. Ultimate happiness is becoming our true selves by being the person we desire to be. We should think of the feeling we get that brings us discontent. The consistent, if not constant internal reminders, that we should be doing more. The feeling and reminders assist us in getting to our true selves. It will not be peaceful. It will take work.

In closing, be wary of your level of content. It is the answer to a lot of your whys. Why am I this weight? Why don’t I have this? Why can’t I do that? Why haven’t I been there? The answer is you choose comfort or discomfort. It is a popular choice and exactly why the spoils go to the people who decide ultimate happiness is better than peaceful happiness. Life is about living. Peaceful happiness should only come after ultimate happiness is accomplished. If you are content before you become who you desire to be, you choose not to become that person. Let’s make sure you and all in our circle know how level of content works. We have much more to accomplish before we utter the “c-word.” Go be the person you see yourself becoming.

Food for thought. You do the dishes.