You Have No Competition

You Have No Competition

We tend to believe we are in constant competition with everyone. Using this mentality as a motivator or accelerator is fine. The issue comes when we envision success as a pie. We see others as people attempting to consume all the pie before we can get a piece. This mindset is both false and demoralizing. It isn’t true because there is no success pie. Everyone experiences success. The world moves forward just fine. The thought process is demoralizing because it tells us if we don’t succeed fast enough, we will never enjoy experiencing success. This thought leads many of us to have a follow-up thought to stop trying. Stop trying because they are taking too long, too many people want to do it, and the last piece of the pie is probably gone. Those reasons are false, false, and false. We’ll discuss why we should change our thought process from a pie to an infinite number of slices.

We think of limited success while being surrounded by abundance. Let’s take food shopping for example. Think of something as simple as bread. Bread is as simple as it gets. You’d think whatever company won the race to the shelf would be good forever. That is not how it works. There is an entire bread aisle in every supermarket. Yes, the same product. The goal was to get into a large store. They all did it. You may think they are competing, and some are, but others are enjoying their slice or slices. The moral is there is a vast number of people who eat bread. There is no shortage of opportunity for anyone who desires to make and sell bread. Of course, this is the case for all products, services, goals, and aspirations. There is an opportunity for us to succeed in all facets of life.

The thought of abundance will aid in getting rid of negative reasoning. Giving up because of others attempting to do the same thing will no longer be a thought that comes to mind. Fear of others succeeding before you will also cease. These improvements in the way of thinking will allow more great products, services, and ideas to come to fruition. Imagine ideas like Walmart or Amazon not happening because of the thought of limited success. What about a surgeon, scientist, or artist robbing themselves and society of a breakthrough procedure, cure, or legendary piece of art? The sad part is it has happened. It will continue to occur until we as a people decide we are not in competition with each other. We are all here to improve what we found when we got here. Our only competition is remembering that throughout our lifetime.

In closing, you have no competition. The false and negative thoughts are what is between you and success. With a simple adjustment, you can remove those ideas and replace them with thoughts of positivity and abundance. You can then breathe life back into an idea that will benefit both yourself and all who will enjoy the results of your success. When you decide to chase a dream, remember that there is an infinite number of slices of success waiting for all who dare to pursue and obtain it. Be one of the few who dare to choose to do it and stick with it.

Food for thought. You do the Dishes.