You Took That Personally?

You Took That Personally?

You’ve set your sites on something great. This “something amazing” is seemingly unattainable to most and even to you at times but, it did not sway you. You took that first step forward and took another. You see a lot of things in your journey. You’ll see many others taking those first steps. It’s encouraging. It makes you feel like you made the correct decision. If you stick with it long enough, you’ll see that most don’t stick with it.

You see that after that first stage of moving toward your dream, the blinders are off. The blinders expose the hard work, the truth, the requirement of consistency, and the most insulting part, the lack of support. I’m not talking about your parents or partner. I’m talking about everyone else. The people you discussed doing better with, the former colleagues who wished they had the gull to do what you did, the former schoolmates and old friends. Oh, how “awesome” the feeling. Yes, you take this personally.

I feel you should but, the negative energy will need a redirect. Not in anger. Not in agitation. An increased determination with a delayed vengeance in mind may help. The negative energy can push you into a life of disdain with anyone who doesn’t show immediate interest in whatever “it” is you are working to share with the world. The group isn’t composed of the same people.

Some are what you think, people who see your talent and decide not to acknowledge it because of whatever internal problems they are experiencing. It could be hate, jealousy, or selfishness. Your determination and dedication to your goal does something to their spirit and make them feel less than. It is a defense mechanism to ignore your talent or ascension. It doesn’t matter what the relationship is or was with you.

The others are not hating, jealous, or selfish. They don’t know you. You may be great at what you do but, how would they know? You need to fight for their attention just as other people and companies are fighting. Remember that song on the radio you didn’t like when you first heard it. After the 10th time, you knew some of the words. After the 20th time, you turn it up and sing along. You are now more willing to listen to their next song. This repetition is what it takes to win over people who don’t know you. It is nothing personal.

You still will take it personally. It’s okay. As long as you use the energy the correct way, it’s helpful. If it fuels you to work harder and smarter then, it’s okay. If it discourages you or affects your output, you are not using it the right way. You will know the difference between the people who need proof of your talent from the people who are intentionally ignoring you, although you’ll soon be aware that they are not ignoring you at all.

You’ll take it as a challenge. Of course, you need to hone your craft and assure you are putting forth the best possible product. This challenge, along with the understanding you are new to most will be in the correct mindset. You’ll have to prove yourself and repeatedly put yourself or your product in front of them. This understanding is what it is. Consider it part of the price of success or the next step in your journey.

In closing, you took that personally. It’s okay. We need to be real with ourselves. It does and should tick you off when you or your work don’t get the attention it deserves. We must do what is required. Make sure what we feel deserves attention garners attention. You’ll need to get feedback on what you are wanting to share, sell, or whatever.

Is it as good as you thought? Is it as good as it can be? You don’t have anyone to give honest feedback? Compare your stuff to the best. Work to be better than that. Everything else will take care of itself. If you discover you are not the best or close to it, you should be taking that personally.

Food for Thought…You do the Dishes!