Karmic Law: The Law of Focus

Karmic Law: The Law of Focus

The Karmic Law of Focus tells us we become what we think about most. If we focus on positivity, we will find ourselves in positive situations. If we find ourselves focusing on negativity, negative situations will surround us. By shifting what you focus on, you’ll allow yourself to change your experiences for the better. The law also tells us we cannot focus on two things at once. How often do we go from having no focus to having multiple? This action is usually in an attempt to make up for the lost time. The Law of Focus tells us that shifting focus can have the same result as having none. The law of attraction (No, it’s not a Karmic Law) comes into play here. Some may not believe in it but let’s say it is a real thing.

Imagine focusing on something for a year or more only to change your focus to something else. The first thing stops on its pursuit of you just as you did to it. You have no idea of how close you were to your vision becoming real life. You also are unaware of how far away you and this new focus are from each other. If that doesn’t wake you up, how about not knowing how far you and your first focus drift away from each other while you pursue the new one?

The Law of Focus encourages us to succeed at whatever it is we desire. We may study the law and feel afraid or discouraged at first. These feelings are because the law forces us to be honest with ourselves. We must admit we may be attracting the wrong things into our life. We tend to experience a string of negative experiences and feel the world is out to get us. We then embrace the negative and expect it over the positive. This law teaches us that we are our own worst enemy in this scenario. Here we place a welcome mat at the door of our lives with only negativity on the guest list.

The defense mechanism of “Okay, world beat me up some more.” doesn’t work. Well, it does but not how we think it would. We ask for more punishment and, the world obliges. Are we too stubborn or too arrogant to state “I’ve had enough world. Present something positive to me.” or “I refuse to take any more punches. I deserve better.” Have we tried? The majority of us can’t show humility even in the privacy of our internal dialogue. Well, it’s time. We must begin to demand better and expect it. We should focus on positivity so much negativity feels unwelcome.

Now that we have embraced overcoming the hurdle of focusing on the positive, we need to choose what the focus should be. In the beginning, it may be as simple as the negative stopping. That is understandable, but the Law of Focus tells us it is incorrect. Our attention on negativity stopping is still giving it focus. We need to focus on exactly what we want. Regardless of how far that desire may seem, we are to begin to set our sights on it immediately. This action will enable the level of focus the law says is required to attract the goal into our lives. We sell ourselves short in not focusing on exactly what we crave, so we get stuck with what we feel we can attain.

There is no irony with this being the thought process of the people who refuse to say they have had enough of the negative. It seems most of us have somehow put ourselves in this world of “less than.” We get less positivity than we deserve because we ask for and accept less than we want. This leads us to less than ideal scenarios with a no less than perfect chance of continuing. Why? It is because we have yet to seek anything greater than what surrounds us.

In closing, if you want something in life, set your mind to it. Our current situation or location can be far away from what we desire. We should tell ourselves that we are getting closer to it every day we focus on it. The Law of Focus tells us pessimistic thoughts beget more pessimistic thoughts. Our thoughts will become our reality. We can get ourselves into terrible surroundings with a defeatist thought process. Let’s get it together. The Law of Focus is one of the best pieces of information one can present to us. If we are on the correct path, it affirms it. If we are not, it tells us to adjust our thoughts. No matter what you are going through or how beat up you may feel, you are always in control of your focus. Fortunately, that is all the control you need.

Food for thought…you do the dishes!!!