The Self-Serving Bias

The self-serving bias is a tendency for people to give themselves credit for successes but blame failures on outside causes. It is a cognitive bias that influences how people interpret…

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The Zeigarnik Effect

In the realm of psychology, the Zeigarnik Effect refers to the phenomenon where uncompleted tasks or unresolved thoughts tend to occupy our mental space more than completed ones. This cognitive…

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Buying a Business

The decision to start a business comes with choosing between starting from scratch or purchasing an existing business. While both options have their merits, this piece will explain the advantages…

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Commercial Property

Investing in commercial property can be a lucrative and rewarding venture. Whether you're an entrepreneur looking to establish your own business location or an astute investor seeking to diversify your…

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Who is Going to Stop You?

We have all felt discouraged or doubted ourselves because we believed people were actively trying to stop us from pursuing our dreams. Perhaps we've encountered naysayers, skeptics, or even individuals…

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High Performing People

High-performing individuals, regardless of their specific field or profession, often exhibit certain habits contributing to their success. We find ourselves wondering what the difference is between ourselves and high-performing individuals.…

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